About Me

In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.”

Deepak Chopra

“My quest in life has always been to understand what makes us tick and how we can thrive. I believe in connecting people and ideas because this is how we grow – adding value and inspiration to one another.

We can choose our thoughts we can change our experience even when we cannot change our environment.”


The motivation for my work comes from lived experience.

In years past, even though I had a thriving career, I’d achieved many goals, I’d “ticked the boxes” but my outsides didn’t match my insides.

I felt flat. Alternatively stressed and listless. I instinctively knew that I was in the wrong place, that there was more “out there” for me, but how did I get there?

  • I used to often compare myself to others – in all areas of life: relationships, body, work, even my home environment
  • The constant comparisons made me feel I was coming up short in all areas
  • The result: the curiously debilitating combination of low energy and high anxiety. I began to wake up in the morning with dark clouds over my head, leading to a downward spiral of self-doubt, unhappiness and even a touch of depression.

Thankfully, through intensive self-reflection, study and support, I let go and broke out of the cycle. I discovered that life can be so much more joyful and fulfilled when we are connected to who we really are and live according to our essence. I realized that our thought patterns determine the success, the level of energy and the joy we experience in life.

All these experiences and lessons have helped me to realise 3 certain truths.


ImpaktCoaching Sad Young Woman

The three truths

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts and you can choose the thoughts that will best support you.

Everyone has a diamond inside, all it needs is to be unearthed and polished and that’s often hard to do yourself.

We all need to be anchored in a sense of self-worth – people need to be seen and heard, and their unique value celebrated for this to develop.


I’ve deepened my own experiences by committing to formal training that has included becoming a:

  • Certified Positive Intelligence Coach
  • Self-Worth and Purpose Facilitator
  • Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner and Facilitator
  • Radical Collaboration Trainer and Facilitator
  • NLP Practitioner

Everything lead to creating the Spiral Up!™ Program© and Community where you will be fully seen, heard, understood and empowered so you can break free of your old patterns and stories, navigate around your mental Saboteurs and connect with your Inner Sage to create the career and life you long for.

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